Health & Fitness - The Operation Thigh Gap

Posted by ONLINE on Thursday, November 14, 2013

I have been requested to write about this new trend among female teenagers worldwide, and this is something that bothers me much. As I was googling to find out more, I discovered that there is even a pinterest topic called [...]
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Hapa Fitness & Us

Posted by ONLINE on Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm sure some of you will have seen what Hapa Fitness (as mentioned in my previous post too) is all about on our instagram feeds. We are official now and very excited to reveal what we have to offer for all of you out there! [...]
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Inspiration & Motivation: Something GREAT is brewing..

Posted by ONLINE on Monday, October 28, 2013

Very recently, I met up with Jasmine (@jasminedanker if you are not following her on IG yet), it came across to me like a calling when I had to download kik messenger just for her to retrieve my contact details. In the very [...]
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Health & Fitness - Arms Training

Posted by ONLINE on Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I usually do not train my arms on its own, I couple my arms training with deadlifts and sometimes I skip doing arms and ended up doing abs, or I'd go very easy on the arms training. Truth is, you are actually working on [...]
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Health & Fitness - My progress so far

Posted by ONLINE on Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's been a long journey from week 0 since I started IF (Intermittent Fasting). Here's a quick recap, basically IF (also commonly known as Intermittent feeding) is a pattern of eating that alternates fasting and non-fasting. [...]
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